Edge Impulse Inc. / Tutorial: object detection Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Precision score Result
sample.jpg.22l752sg coffee, lamp 94%
sample.jpg.22l74u4f coffee, lamp 100%
sample.jpg.22l74rsv coffee, lamp 100%
sample.jpg.22l74kk8 coffee 89%
sample.jpg.22l74iqv coffee 100%
sample.jpg.22l74d6p coffee, lamp 94%
sample.jpg.22l7479b coffee, lamp 100%
sample.jpg.22l73stu coffee, lamp 94%
sample.jpg.22l738q8 coffee 89%
sample.jpg.22l737ca coffee 100%
sample.jpg.22l7356n coffee 100%
sample.jpg.22l72va3 lamp 89%
sample.jpg.22l72pjd lamp 100%

Model testing output


Model version:
mAP 0.68
mAP@[IoU=50] 1.00
mAP@[IoU=75] 0.82
mAP@[area=small] -1.00
mAP@[area=medium] 0.67
mAP@[area=large] 0.69
Recall@[max_detections=1] 0.72
Recall@[max_detections=10] 0.72
Recall@[max_detections=100] 0.72
Recall@[area=small] -1.00
Recall@[area=medium] 0.68
Recall@[area=large] 0.75