Edge Impulse Inc. / FOMO Washers and Screws 160x160 Public
Data collected
313 items
Train / test split
88% / 12%


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ID Sample name Labels Added Device Signature Created Sensors
96232714 washer.jpg.2urglbjq washer HS256 image
96232713 washer.jpg.2uud9b4n screw, screw, screw HS256 image
96232712 washer.jpg.2urflpbk washer HS256 image
96232711 washer.jpg.2urfo99h washer HS256 image
96232710 washer.jpg.2urglk4t washer HS256 image
96232709 washer.jpg.2urgmk3u washer HS256 image
96232708 washer.jpg.2urgupd9 washer, washer, washer HS256 image
96232707 screws.jpg.2v7octgo washer, washer, washer, washer, washer HS256 image
96232706 washer.jpg.2uudaelu screw, screw, screw HS256 image
96232705 washer.jpg.2uudb1fn screw, screw, screw HS256 image
96232704 screws.jpg.2uude5lg screw, screw, screw HS256 image
96232703 screws.jpg.2uudelbl screw, screw, screw HS256 image
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