Edge Impulse Inc. / FOMO Washers and Screws 160x160 Public
Data collected
313 items
Train / test split
88% / 12%


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ID Sample name Labels Added Device Signature Created Sensors
96232744 washer.jpg.2urgkrsc washer HS256 image
96232743 washer.jpg.2urgn3u2 washer, washer, washer HS256 image
96232742 washer.jpg.2urgl2g9 washer HS256 image
96232741 testing.jpg.2urmlu8p washer, washer, washer HS256 image
96232740 testing.jpg.2urmnl6k washer, washer, washer HS256 image
96232739 testing.jpg.2urmo348 washer, washer, washer HS256 image
96232738 screw.2v7p655v screw, screw, screw phone_kzbe7o0n HS256 image
96232737 screw.2v7p65ru screw, screw, screw phone_kzbe7o0n HS256 image
96232736 screw.2v7p6805 screw, screw, screw phone_kzbe7o0n HS256 image
96232735 screw.2v7p68o8 screw, screw, screw phone_kzbe7o0n HS256 image
96232734 screw.2v7p65m6 screw, screw, screw phone_kzbe7o0n HS256 image
96232733 screw.2v7p68co screw, screw, screw phone_kzbe7o0n HS256 image
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