enzo calogero / enzus-project-1 Public


This is your Edge Impulse project. From here you acquire new training data, design impulses and train models.

Keyword spotting

About this project

This public Edge Impulse project does not have a README yet. Clone this project to add new data or retrain this project, or to deploy this project to a device.

Download block output

Title Type Size
MFCC training data NPY file 12411 windows
MFCC training labels NPY file 12411 windows
MFCC testing data NPY file 169 windows
MFCC testing labels NPY file 169 windows
NN Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (float32) 10 KB
NN Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized) 9 KB
NN Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized with float32 input and output) 9 KB
NN Classifier model TensorFlow SavedModel 20 KB

Clone project

You are viewing a public Edge Impulse project. Clone this project to add data or make changes.


Data collected
21m 26s

Project info

Project ID 5682
Project version 2
License No license attached