Diego Francisco Luna Lopez / PKE-Meter-AI Public

Diego Francisco Luna Lopez / PKE-Meter-AI

This is your Edge Impulse project. From here you acquire new training data, design impulses and train models.

Object detection

About this project



Wio Terminal

You will see the screen of our PKE meter, where with a potentiometer we can choose two functions:

  • Sine waves
  • Ghost Locator (with the help of the Raspberry pi)

Raspberry pi

We are going to run the artificial intelligence model, which we created in Edge Impulse and send the information to our Wio Terminal of the location of the ghost.



Wio Terminal

Va a cer la pantalla de nuestro PKE meter, adonde con un potenciometro podremos elegir dos funcioens:

  • Ondas sesosoidal
  • Localisador de Fantasmas (con ayuda de la Raspberry pi)

Raspberry pi

Vamos a correr el modelo de inteligencia arificial, que crearemos en Edge Impulse y mandaremos la informacion a nuestra Wio Terminal de la ubicacion del fantasma.


Download block output

Title Type Size
Image training data NPY file 101 windows
Image training labels JSON file 101 windows
Image testing data NPY file 24 windows
Image testing labels JSON file 24 windows
Object detection model TensorFlow Lite (float32) 11 MB
Object detection model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized) 4 MB
Object detection model TensorFlow SavedModel 10 MB

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You are viewing a public Edge Impulse project. Clone this project to add data or make changes.


Data collected
125 items

Project info

Project ID 51259
Project version 1
License No license attached