Edge Impulse Experts / AI-Based Mechanical Anomaly Detector (Audio) Public

AI-Based Mechanical Anomaly Detector (Audio)

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BLE PCB mechanical anomaly industrial Beetle ESP32-C3

About this project

This neural network model detects sound-based mechanical anomalies:

  • normal
  • anomaly

After building my neural network model, I deployed my model as a fully optimized and customizable Arduino library and uploaded it to Beetle ESP32-C3. Also, I developed an Android application from scratch to notify the user of the detected anomalies.


Download block output

Title Type Size
MFE training data NPY file 100 windows
MFE training labels NPY file 100 windows
MFE testing data NPY file 35 windows
MFE testing labels NPY file 35 windows
Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (float32) 15 KB
Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized) 8 KB
Classifier model TensorFlow SavedModel 20 KB
Classifier model Keras h5 model 14 KB
Classifier model Model evaluation metrics (JSON file) -

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Run this model

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Data collected
2m 8s

Project info

Project ID 336608
Project version 1
License Apache 2.0