Edge Impulse Experts / Voice_Controlled_Power_Plug Public


A power-strip which connected to home-appliances (TV, lamp, fan, etc..) which can be controlled using voice commands with no connection to the internet. Practicality, privacy concern and cost-effectiveness are the goals of this Non IoT Voice Controlled Power Plug project.

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This public Edge Impulse project does not have a README yet. Clone this project to add new data or retrain this project, or to deploy this project to a device.

Download block output

Title Type Size
Syntiant training data NPY file 13245 windows
Syntiant training labels NPY file 13245 windows
Syntiant testing data NPY file 3290 windows
Syntiant testing labels NPY file 3290 windows
Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (float32) 2 MB
Classifier model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized) 536 KB
Classifier model TensorFlow SavedModel 2 MB
Classifier model Keras h5 model 2 MB

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Data collected
4h 31m 19s

Project info

Project ID 297564
Project version 1
License Apache 2.0