Edge Impulse Inc. / Conveyor Belt Cubes Public

Edge Impulse Inc. / Conveyor Belt Cubes

Multi coloured cube detection on a conveyor belt.

Object detection

About this project

Blue, Green, Red & Yellow cube detection on a conveyor belt. A dataset put together by Jenny Plunkett that was used to first develop FOMO

Download block output

Title Type Size
Image training data NPY file 55 windows
Image training labels JSON file 55 windows
Image testing data NPY file 15 windows
Image testing labels JSON file 15 windows
Object detection model TensorFlow Lite (float32) 83 KB
Object detection model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized) 55 KB
Object detection model Model evaluation metrics (JSON file) 8 KB
Object detection model TensorFlow SavedModel 189 KB
Object detection model Keras h5 model 90 KB

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70 items

Project info

Project ID 230968
Project version 2
License Apache 2.0