Edge Impulse Experts / Pharma Pills Defects Public

Test data

Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length F1 score Result
sample.3lfgim19 defect, defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3lancsv9 defect, defect, defect - 80%
sample.3lanab4o defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 90%
sample.3lan7k91 defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3lan4nck defect, defect - 100%
sample.3lan2p24 defect, defect - 100%
sample.3lan1kov defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3lan0bsv defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3lamtnl7 defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 74%
sample.3lamsior defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 88%
sample.3lamqd0c defect - 0%
sample.3lammm72 defect - 100%
sample.3lamjluc defect - 100%
sample.3lamj8vj defect - 100%
sample.3lamh6i9 defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 88%
sample.3l8namv9 defect, defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8btn9k defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8bncfg - - 0%
sample.3l8bkkep defect - 100%
sample.3l8bdud7 defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8bdj4v defect, defect, defect - 85%
sample.3l8balqq defect, defect - 80%
sample.3l8b9e8u defect - 100%
sample.3l8b96no defect - 100%
sample.3l8b59d2 - - 100%
sample.3l8b098h defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8arafi defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8aofgg defect, defect, defect - 85%
sample.3l8alt49 defect - 66%
sample.3l8aj619 defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8af6j9 defect, defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l8adj8p defect - 100%
sample.3l8a9q6t - - 100%
sample.3l8a8ugr - - 100%
sample.3l8a89tv - - 100%
sample.3l8a6ist defect - 100%
sample.3l8a5eli defect - 100%
sample.3l8a0fg7 defect, defect - 100%
sample.3l89u14c - - 100%

Model testing output

Model testing results
