Carlos / my-motion-project Public

Test data

Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Anomaly Accuracy Result
up-down.1ng48h78.ingestion-5b8499f749-28g8v.cbor.1qq5o3dg up-down 10s -0.24 85% 86 up-down, 12 uncertain, 3 idle
up-down.1ng4iutj.ingestion-5b8499f749-t87c9.cbor.1qq5o337 up-down 10s -0.22 91% 92 up-down, 7 uncertain, 2 idle
up-down.1ng4h22l.ingestion-5b8499f749-28g8v.cbor.1qq5o2oi up-down 10s -0.23 99% 100 up-down, 1 uncertain
left-right.1ng424qg.ingestion-5b8499f749-q4vrs.cbor.1qq5o1b8 left-right 10s 0.08 57% 58 left-right, 24 anomaly, 11 uncertain, 8 circle
left-right.1ng41inu.ingestion-5b8499f749-28g8v.cbor.1qq5o17q left-right 10s -0.09 95% 96 left-right, 3 circle, 2 uncertain
left-right.1ng3v6ad.ingestion-5b8499f749-q4vrs.cbor.1qq5o0tc left-right 10s -0.30 75% 76 left-right, 19 circle, 6 uncertain
left-right.1ng3u5tn.ingestion-5b8499f749-t87c9.cbor.1qq5o0mi left-right 10s -0.01 98% 99 left-right, 2 uncertain
idle.1ng5k3sp.ingestion-5b8499f749-q4vrs.cbor.1qq5nuha idle 10s 0.12 100% 101 idle
idle.1ng5hi71.ingestion-5b8499f749-t87c9.cbor.1qq5nu3m idle 10s 0.13 100% 101 idle
idle.1ng5gnkn.ingestion-5b8499f749-t87c9.cbor.1qq5nu08 idle 10s 0.07 67% 68 idle, 31 up-down, 2 uncertain
idle.1ng5e4t0.ingestion-5b8499f749-t87c9.cbor.1qq5ntlr idle 10s 0.46 0% 101 anomaly
idle.1ng5cmtd.ingestion-5b8499f749-28g8v.cbor.1qq5ntev idle 10s 0.03 69% 70 idle, 26 up-down, 5 uncertain
circle.1ng4otp0.ingestion-5b8499f749-28g8v.cbor.1qq5nrsm circle 10s -0.25 83% 84 circle, 14 left-right, 3 uncertain
circle.1ng4o5kd.ingestion-5b8499f749-t87c9.cbor.1qq5nrk2 circle 10s -0.25 96% 97 circle, 2 left-right, 2 uncertain

Model testing output

Model testing results
