Edge Impulse Inc. / Tutorial: Adding sight to your sensors Public

Edge Impulse Inc. / Tutorial: Adding sight to your sensors

This is the finished Edge Impulse project for the tutorial 'Adding sight to your sensors'. From here you can acquire new training data, design impulses and train models.


About this project

Lamps and Plants and Bears, oh my!

Plant classification OpenMV

Want to make the most of your device's camera and predict what is/is not present in your device's environment? Clone this project to build an embedded ML project to add intelligent sight to your device.

You can also follow our tutorial to guide you through building your image classification model, from data collection to deployment on embedded devices.

Sensor & Block Information

  • Image data
  • Image DSP block for normalizing image files
  • Transfer Learning block with prediction outputs: "lamp", "plant", "unknown"

Download block output

Title Type Size
Image training data NPY file 221 windows
Image training labels NPY file 221 windows
Image testing data NPY file 55 windows
Image testing labels NPY file 55 windows
Transfer learning model TensorFlow Lite (float32) 2 MB
Transfer learning model TensorFlow Lite (int8 quantized) 615 KB
Transfer learning model Model evaluation metrics (JSON file) 6 KB
Transfer learning model TensorFlow SavedModel 2 MB
Transfer learning model Keras h5 model 2 MB

Clone project

You are viewing a public Edge Impulse project. Clone this project to add data or make changes.

Run this model

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Data collected
276 items

Project info

Project ID 14227
Project version 10
License Apache 2.0