enzo calogero / enzus-project-1 Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
testing.1qci40sg testing 3s 21 noise house
testing.1q7o42ip testing 3s 19 rubinetto, 1 noise house, 1 uncertain
testing.1q7nupje testing 3s 21 noise house
testing.1q4qr1l9 testing 3s 20 rubinetto
testing.1q4qpodc testing 3s 20 rubinetto, 1 noise house
testing.1q4qntrq testing 3s 18 noise house, 2 uncertain, 1 rubinetto
testing.1q4qlqs0 testing 2s 7 noise house, 2 rubinetto, 2 uncertain
testing.1q4qjdkp testing 2s 7 noise house, 3 rubinetto, 1 uncertain
testing.1q4p22du testing 2s 11 rubinetto
testing.1q4p0hu0 testing 2s 11 noise house

Model testing output


Model version: