MJRoBot (Marcelo Rovai) / Raspi - Object Detection Public

Training settings

Please provide a valid number of training cycles (numeric only)
Please provide a valid number for the learning rate (between 0 and 1)
Please provide a valid training processor option

Augmentation settings

Advanced training settings

Neural network architecture

sys.path.append('./resources/libraries') import os import math, requests from pathlib import Path import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.optimizers.legacy import Adam from tensorflow.keras.applications import MobileNet from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization, Conv2D, Softmax, Reshape from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from ei_tensorflow.constrained_object_detection import models, dataset, metrics, util from ei_tensorflow.velo import train_keras_model_with_velo from ei_shared.pretrained_weights import get_or_download_pretrained_weights import ei_tensorflow.training WEIGHTS_PREFIX = os.environ.get('WEIGHTS_PREFIX', os.getcwd()) def build_model(input_shape: tuple, weights: str, alpha: float, num_classes: int) -> tf.keras.Model: """ Construct a constrained object detection model. Args: input_shape: Passed to MobileNet construction. weights: Weights for initialization of MobileNet where None implies random initialization. alpha: MobileNet alpha value. num_classes: Number of classes, i.e. final dimension size, in output. Returns: Uncompiled keras model. Model takes (B, H, W, C) input and returns (B, H//8, W//8, num_classes) logits. """ #! First create full mobile_net_V2 from (HW, HW, C) input #! to (HW/8, HW/8, C) output mobile_net_v1 = MobileNet(input_shape=input_shape, weights=weights, alpha=alpha, include_top=True) #! Default batch norm is configured for huge networks, let's speed it up for layer in mobile_net_v1.layers: if type(layer) == BatchNormalization: layer.momentum = 0.9 #! Cut MobileNet where it hits 1/8th input resolution; i.e. (HW/8, HW/8, C) cut_point = mobile_net_v1.get_layer('conv_pw_6_relu') #! Now attach a small additional head on the MobileNet model = Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=1, strides=1, activation='relu', name='head')(cut_point.output) logits = Conv2D(filters=num_classes, kernel_size=1, strides=1, activation=None, name='logits')(model) return Model(inputs=mobile_net_v1.input, outputs=logits) def train(num_classes: int, learning_rate: float, num_epochs: int, alpha: float, object_weight: float, train_dataset: tf.data.Dataset, validation_dataset: tf.data.Dataset, best_model_path: str, input_shape: tuple, batch_size: int, use_velo: bool = False, ensure_determinism: bool = False) -> tf.keras.Model: """ Construct and train a constrained object detection model. Args: num_classes: Number of classes in datasets. This does not include implied background class introduced by segmentation map dataset conversion. learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam. num_epochs: Number of epochs passed to model.fit alpha: Alpha used to construct MobileNet. Pretrained weights will be used if there is a matching set. object_weight: The weighting to give the object in the loss function where background has an implied weight of 1.0. train_dataset: Training dataset of (x, (bbox, one_hot_y)) validation_dataset: Validation dataset of (x, (bbox, one_hot_y)) best_model_path: location to save best model path. note: weights will be restored from this path based on best val_f1 score. input_shape: The shape of the model's input batch_size: Training batch size ensure_determinism: If true, functions that may be non- deterministic are disabled (e.g. autotuning prefetch). This should be true in test environments. Returns: Trained keras model. Constructs a new constrained object detection model with num_classes+1 outputs (denoting the classes with an implied background class of 0). Both training and validation datasets are adapted from (x, (bbox, one_hot_y)) to (x, segmentation_map). Model is trained with a custom weighted cross entropy function. """ nonlocal callbacks num_classes_with_background = num_classes + 1 width, height, input_num_channels = input_shape if width != height: raise Exception(f"Only square inputs are supported; not {input_shape}") WEIGHTS_PATH = './transfer-learning-weights/edgeimpulse/MobileNetV1.0_1.96x96.grayscale.bsize_96.lr_0_05.epoch_363.val_accuracy_0.14.hdf5' # Download the model weights root_url = 'https://cdn.edgeimpulse.com/' p = Path(WEIGHTS_PATH) if not p.exists(): print(f"Pretrained weights {WEIGHTS_PATH} unavailable; downloading...") if not p.parent.exists(): p.parent.mkdir(parents=True) weights_data = requests.get(root_url + WEIGHTS_PATH[2:]).content with open(WEIGHTS_PATH, 'wb') as f: f.write(weights_data) print(f"Pretrained weights {WEIGHTS_PATH} unavailable; downloading OK") print("") model = build_model( input_shape=input_shape, weights=WEIGHTS_PATH, alpha=alpha, num_classes=num_classes_with_background ) #! Derive output size from model model_output_shape = model.layers[-1].output.shape _batch, width, height, num_classes = model_output_shape if width != height: raise Exception(f"Only square outputs are supported; not {model_output_shape}") output_width_height = width #! Build weighted cross entropy loss specific to this model size weighted_xent = models.construct_weighted_xent_fn(model.output.shape, object_weight) prefetch_policy = 1 if ensure_determinism else tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE #! Transform bounding box labels into segmentation maps def as_segmentation(ds, shuffle): ds = ds.map(dataset.bbox_to_segmentation(output_width_height, num_classes_with_background)) if not ensure_determinism and shuffle: ds = ds.shuffle(buffer_size=batch_size*4) ds = ds.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=False).prefetch(prefetch_policy) return ds train_segmentation_dataset = as_segmentation(train_dataset, True) validation_segmentation_dataset = as_segmentation(validation_dataset, False) validation_dataset_for_callback = (validation_dataset .batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=False) .prefetch(prefetch_policy)) #! Initialise bias of final classifier based on training data prior. util.set_classifier_biases_from_dataset( model, train_segmentation_dataset) if not use_velo: model.compile(loss=weighted_xent, optimizer=Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate)) #! Create callback that will do centroid scoring on end of epoch against #! validation data. Include a callback to show % progress in slow cases. callbacks = callbacks if callbacks else [] callbacks.append(metrics.CentroidScoring(validation_dataset_for_callback, output_width_height, num_classes_with_background)) callbacks.append(metrics.PrintPercentageTrained(num_epochs)) #! Include a callback for model checkpointing based on the best validation f1. callbacks.append( tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(best_model_path, monitor='val_f1', save_best_only=True, mode='max', save_weights_only=True, verbose=0)) if use_velo: from tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl import ResourceExhaustedError try: train_keras_model_with_velo( model, train_segmentation_dataset, validation_segmentation_dataset, loss_fn=weighted_xent, num_epochs=num_epochs, callbacks=callbacks ) except ResourceExhaustedError as e: print(str(e)) raise Exception( "ResourceExhaustedError caught during train_keras_model_with_velo." " Though VeLO encourages a large batch size, the current" f" size of {batch_size} may be too large. Please try a lower" " value. For further assistance please contact support" " at https://forum.edgeimpulse.com/") else: model.fit(train_segmentation_dataset, validation_data=validation_segmentation_dataset, epochs=num_epochs, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) #! Restore best weights. model.load_weights(best_model_path) #! Add explicit softmax layer before export. softmax_layer = Softmax()(model.layers[-1].output) model = Model(model.input, softmax_layer) return model EPOCHS = args.epochs or 60 LEARNING_RATE = args.learning_rate or 0.001 BATCH_SIZE = args.batch_size or 32 model = train(num_classes=classes, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE, num_epochs=EPOCHS, alpha=0.1, object_weight=100, train_dataset=train_dataset, validation_dataset=validation_dataset, best_model_path=BEST_MODEL_PATH, input_shape=MODEL_INPUT_SHAPE, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, use_velo=False, ensure_determinism=ensure_determinism) disable_per_channel_quantization = False
Input layer (25,600 features)
FOMO (Faster Objects, More Objects) MobileNetV2 0.35
Output layer (2 classes)


Model version: