MJRoBot (Marcelo Rovai) / Raspi - Img Class Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Accuracy Result
image_20240826-202018 robot
testing.48m7dfo8 periquito
00000 background
00005 background
00009 background
00015 background
00017 background
00026 background
00028 background
00033 background
00044 background
00049 background
00050 background
00037 background
00000 robot
00008 robot
00007 robot
00016 robot
00014 robot
00021 robot
00026 robot
00041 robot
00044 robot
00038 robot
00031 robot
00032 periquito
00037 periquito
00041 periquito
00042 periquito
00002 periquito
00007 periquito
00012 periquito
00017 periquito
00021 periquito
00026 periquito
00040 periquito

Model testing output