Edge Impulse Experts / Gears Transfer Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
damaged.4mhekv9j damaged -
damaged.4mhektvb damaged -
damaged.4mhdqes6 damaged -
damaged.4mhdqef9 damaged -
damaged.4mhdq389 damaged -
damaged.4mhdpvnq damaged -
damaged.4mhdpmgm damaged -
good.4mhdi9u4 good -
good.4mhdi9e0 good -
good.4mhdi7hc good -
good.4mhdi2uf good -
good.4mhdhutu good -
good.4mhdhumo good -
good.4mhdho6u good -
good.4mhdho1v good -

Model testing output