Developer Relations / Coffee Machine Stages - Multi-label data Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Anomaly Accuracy Result
coffeemachine_multilabel_1 idle, grind, extract, pump 1m 0s 1.41 82% 59 idle, 25 pump, 14 grind, 12 uncertain, 9 extract
coffeemachine_multilabel_3 idle, grind, extract, pump 52s 1.18 85% 53 idle, 19 pump, 15 extract, 11 grind, 5 uncertain
coffeemachine_multilabel_4 idle, grind, extract, pump 41s 1.29 85% 29 idle, 20 pump, 15 extract, 13 grind, 4 uncertain

Model testing output


Model version: