Edge Impulse Experts / No helmet no green - Texas Instruments AM62A Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length F1 score Result
IMG_20231020_191734 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_191809 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_191713 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_191755 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181824 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181820 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181755 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181643 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181654 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181647 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181501 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181447 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181440 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231020_181454 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231017_142958 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231017_142929 nohelmet - 100%
IMG_20231017_142731 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231017_142749 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231017_142728 helmet - 100%
IMG_20231017_142710 helmet - 66%

Model testing output


Model version: