MJRoBot (Marcelo Rovai) / NICLA_Vision_Object Detection Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome F1 score Result
testing.4cc3jm8d - 0%
testing.4cc3ik4i - 0%
testing.4cc3hmbv - 0%
testing.4cc3g88e - 0%
testing.4cc3dgjb - 0%
testing.4cc3cbal - 0%
00000 box 100%
00017 box, wheel, wheel, wheel 100%
00039 box, box, wheel, wheel, wheel, wheel 100%
00005 box, box 80%
00035 wheel, wheel 100%
00036 wheel, wheel, wheel 100%
00030 wheel, wheel, wheel, wheel 100%
00040 box, box, box, wheel, wheel, wheel, wheel 100%

Model testing output


Model version: