Edge Impulse Experts / Soiled-Diaper Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
testing.477fdm5s testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477fcq39 testing 10s 6 soiled, 5 uncertain, 1 clean
testing.477fc6d4 testing 10s 12 clean
testing.477fbhn1 testing 10s 12 clean
testing.477f968k testing 10s 12 clean
testing.477f1iis testing 10s 12 clean
testing.477chdeq testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477cghj3 testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477cfrfq testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477ceuga testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477ce3pf testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477cck5r testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477cb78s testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477c9s8j testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477c91tv testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477c7fp6 testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477c2ge5 testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bv8bs testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bu7og testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477btcr3 testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bsp3j testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bs30j testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477brf2v testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bqp0d testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bndhg testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bkvim testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bjlom testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bita8 testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bi6j6 testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.477bglji testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.4779t3i5 testing 10s 7 clean, 5 uncertain
testing.4779s0cs testing 10s 9 uncertain, 3 soiled
testing.4779reaq testing 10s 6 soiled, 5 uncertain, 1 clean
testing.4779qj10 testing 10s 5 soiled, 4 clean, 3 uncertain
testing.4779pv2t testing 10s 5 soiled, 4 clean, 3 uncertain
testing.4779ogdl testing 10s 12 clean
testing.4779mh3v testing 10s 7 clean, 4 uncertain, 1 soiled
testing.475uc3tm testing 10s 12 clean
testing.475ub4b7 testing 10s 8 clean, 4 uncertain
testing.475u9iam testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.475u8f7i testing 10s 12 soiled
testing.475u5hp5 testing 10s 12 clean
soiled.475tpbf2 soiled 30s 100% 52 soiled
soiled.475tjpej soiled 30s 44% 23 soiled, 16 uncertain, 13 clean
clean.475tblsh clean 30s 100% 52 clean
soiled.475sop9u soiled 30s 100% 52 soiled
soiled.475sldhf soiled 30s 100% 52 soiled
soiled.475s6oo9 soiled 30s 100% 52 soiled
soiled.475s5k0l soiled 30s 100% 52 soiled
clean.475pmb47 clean 30s 100% 52 clean
clean.475p2tmo clean 30s 100% 52 clean
soiled.475ovn0u clean 30s 100% 52 clean

Model testing output


Model version: