Zin / priceisright Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Accuracy Result
5_test.jpg.1vurhhrg 5 100% 1 5
testing.jpg.22m49dho 4 100% 1 4
ScreenHunter_247 Mar. 06 20.12.jpg.2022sdl2 9 100% 1 9
ScreenHunter_246 Mar. 06 20.11.jpg.2022pgls 7 100% 1 7
ScreenHunter_245 Mar. 06 20.08.jpg.2022lk19 3 100% 1 3
img004-00006.png.1u7gvti0 3 100% 1 3
img004-00006.png.1u8ebpa6 3 100% 1 3
img004-00008.png.1u8ebpa2 3 100% 1 3
img004-00038.png.1u7j6dpk 3 100% 1 3
img004-00008.png.1u7gvtij 3 100% 1 3
img004-00014.png.1u7gvtih 3 100% 1 3
3_10.jpg.20167afc 3 100% 1 3
3_2.jpg.1vug8962 3 100% 1 3
3_53.jpg.201rtgd5 3 100% 1 3
3_27.jpg.20167afa 3 100% 1 3
unnamed.jpg.1u8c7e7u 9 100% 1 9
img001-00013.png.1u7isecp 0 100% 1 0
img006-00021.png.1u7is4bb 5 100% 1 5
img008-00023.png.1u7irnv4 7 100% 1 7
img008-00001.png.1u7inefa 7 100% 1 7

Model testing output


Model version: