Dmitry / video_tinyml_raw Public

Test data

Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
testing.json.1s6v6v0r testing 1s 1 rock
testing.json.1s6v6glh testing 1s 1 scissors
testing.json.1s6v61d3 testing 1s 1 scissors
testing.json.1s6v5ftq testing 1s 1 uncertain
testing.json.1s6v4aoj testing 1s 1 scissors
testing.json.1s6v3r3g testing 1s 1 scissors
testing.json.1s6v3an5 testing 1s 1 rock
testing.json.1s6v2p6s testing 1s 1 scissors
testing.json.1s6v2987 testing 1s 1 scissors
testing.json.1s6v1p6q testing 1s 1 uncertain
testing.json.1s6v15bt testing 1s 1 rock
testing.json.1s6uvo72 testing 1s
testing.json.1s6uv3m5 testing 1s 3 scissors
testing.json.1s6uuj70 testing 1s 3 scissors
testing.json.1s6utpjq testing 1s 3 scissors
testing.json.1s6usutu testing 11s 167 rock, 15 uncertain, 12 scissors
testing.json.1s6uro24 testing 10s 87 rock, 64 scissors, 24 uncertain

Model testing output

Model testing results
