Norik / FOMO_Colorado_Potato_Beetle Public

Test data

Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length F1 score Result
testing.362ag2fq - - 100%
testing.362afriv - - 0%
testing.362afl6d - - 0%
testing.362afegk - - 0%
testing.362ad4hl - - 0%
testing.362acp1b - - 0%
IMG_5451 col - 100%
IMG_5446 col - 100%
a-colorado-beetle-eating-potato-leaves-157615712-2a0cd210c7ae46e6bd2b56a50c719167 col - 100%
IMG_5457 col - 100%
IMG_5455 col - 100%
IMG_5433 col - 66%
IMG_5447 col - 100%
IMG_5448 col - 100%
IMG_5435 col - 50%
IMG_5449 col - 100%
testing.35b4uaet col, col - 66%
CO-potato-beetle12-2 col - 100%
CPBchard2web col - 100%
colorado-potato-beetle-1030x580 col - 100%

Model testing output

Model testing results
