Sobhit Panda / WizFi360_Sobhit Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
testing.3ggfdl11 testing 5s 5 Normal_Flow, 4 uncertain
testing.3ggfc0u7 testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3ggf9tmq testing 5s 5 Normal_Flow, 3 Bubbly_Flow, 1 uncertain
testing.3ggf91u4 testing 5s 9 Bubbly_Flow
testing.3ggf8g80 testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3ggf4l4v testing 5s 6 Bubbly_Flow, 2 uncertain, 1 Normal_Flow
testing.3gget4ij testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3ggegquf testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3ggechc3 testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3ggebl8v testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3gge9dq7 testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3gge8lnn testing 5s 9 Normal_Flow
testing.3gge6coq testing 5s 9 Bubbly_Flow
testing.3gge5pbi testing 5s 9 Bubbly_Flow
testing.3gge4jkl testing 5s 9 Bubbly_Flow
test_airflow Air_Flow 5s 100% 9 Air_Flow
test_airflow Air_Flow 5s 100% 9 Air_Flow

Model testing output


Model version: