Edge Impulse Experts / Liquid classification Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
testing.3fg1jol1 testing 9s 9 air
testing.3fg1gj0l testing 9s 9 seawater
testing.3fg1elua testing 9s 9 tapwater
testing.3fg1cvau testing 9s 9 tea
tea.3fg02d50 tea 9s 100% 9 tea
tea.3ffvu8b2 tea 9s 100% 9 tea
seawater.3ffvg8j4 seawater 9s 100% 9 seawater
seawater.3ffvdrqg seawater 9s 100% 9 seawater
seawater.3ffvbnqf seawater 9s 100% 9 seawater
tapwater.3ffunm9p tapwater 9s 100% 9 tapwater
tapwater.3ffun0hu tapwater 9s 100% 9 tapwater
tapwater.3ffufspc tapwater 9s 89% 8 tapwater, 1 tea
air.3fftid8o air 10s 100% 10 air
air.3ffnrqpt air 10s 100% 10 air

Model testing output


Model version: