Zalmotek / Nicla Sense - Weather Prediction Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
Rise.3ctc3ol4 Rise 10s 100% 8 Rise
Rise.3ctc0v8i Rise 10s 100% 8 Rise
Drop.3ctbhdrj Drop 10s 100% 8 Drop
Drop.3ctbdvi5 Drop 10s 100% 8 Drop
Drop.3ctb7a1j Drop 10s 100% 8 Drop
Normal.3ct5rmk9 Normal 10s 100% 8 Normal
Normal.3ct5qq7k Normal 10s 100% 8 Normal
Normal.3ct5knra Normal 10s 100% 8 Normal
Normal.3ct5jb0i Normal 10s 100% 8 Normal
Normal.3ct5ic1v Normal 10s 100% 8 Normal

Model testing output


Model version: