Edge Impulse Experts / fallBT Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
Stand.3b73jopg.s4 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Fall.3b73p5it.s5 Fall 2s 0% 1 uncertain
Fall.3b73l6c8.s5 Fall 2s 100% 1 Fall
Stand.3b73idst.s2 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Stand.3b73ej7d.s6 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Stand.3b4lilsd.s3 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Fall.3b4lqad7.s3 Fall 2s 100% 1 Fall
Fall.3b4lqad7.s4 Fall 2s 0% 1 uncertain
Fall.3b2osvte.s3 Fall 2s 0% 1 uncertain
Fall.3b2otrd2.s1 Fall 2s 100% 1 Fall
Stand.3b4map9p.s8 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Stand.3b4map9p.s4 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Fall.3b4m1pql.s5 Fall 2s 100% 1 Fall
Stand.3b4lh9jd.s8 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Stand.3b4lft7p.s6 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Stand.3b2onq2i.s2 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand
Stand.3b2ovi5v.s3 Stand 2s 100% 1 Stand

Model testing output


Model version: