Naveen / Running_Faucet_Blues_Wireless Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
noise.37i2upmk noise 20s 100% 19 noise
noise.37i2qac8 noise 20s 100% 19 noise
faucet.37e0j9bq faucet 20s 5% 18 noise, 1 faucet
noise.37dvbeee noise 20s 100% 19 noise
noise.37drtko6 noise 20s 100% 19 noise
faucet.37drnhhe faucet 20s 100% 19 faucet
noise.37dr8640 noise 20s 100% 19 noise
noise.37dr56uk noise 20s 100% 19 noise
noise.12uvcljru noise 1m 0s 100% 59 noise
faucet.0uv98b40 faucet 1m 0s 98% 58 faucet, 1 noise
faucet.2uve69m6 faucet 1m 0s 100% 59 faucet
noise.14v1jdiit noise 1m 0s 100% 59 noise

Model testing output


Model version: