Adam Taylor / Cycle_detection Public

Test data

Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length F1 score Result
testing.342g6ti6 - - 0%
testing.342g149v - - 0%
testing.342fu4a7 - - 100%
NYCBIKES-SWIFT-70-690 Cyclist, Cyclist, Cyclist - 50%
1410348754658-1jis1v5rayuej-b94a8ed Cyclist - 100%
Kramon_TourDeFrance2020_st17_10643 Cyclist - 0%
sophie-thumb Cyclist - 100%
cyclist-on-the-col-de-la-colombiere-in-the-french-royalty-free-image-1650363392 Cyclist - 100%
angle-photo-of-a-young-woman-pedaling-riding-a-road-royalty-free-image-1651074467 Cyclist - 100%
766x415_Best_Hip_Rotator_Stretches_for_Cyclists-732x415 Cyclist - 100%
dirty-bike-lane Cyclist - 80%
Cycling-tourism-figure-1- Cyclist - 100%
bike22 Cyclist - 80%
cyclist2 Cyclist - 100%

Model testing output

Model testing results
