Edge Impulse Inc. / Tutorial - Syntiant TinyML Circular Motion Public
Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
EI_raw_3ta_inference_tankptr_8.csv.2ubkj2c8 z_openset 10s 90% 124 z_openset, 11 circularClockwise, 3 uncertain
EI_raw_3ta_inference_tankptr_1.csv.2ubkj1s0 z_openset 10s 100% 138 z_openset
EI_raw_3ta_inference_tankptr_6.csv.2ubkhcjc circularClockwise 10s 75% 103 circularClockwise, 29 z_openset, 6 uncertain
EI_raw_2ta_inference_tankptr_5.csv.2ubkh8r6 circularClockwise 10s 97% 131 circularClockwise, 3 z_openset, 1 uncertain
EI_raw_2ta_inference_tankptr_4.csv.2ubkh8lt circularClockwise 10s 97% 134 circularClockwise, 3 z_openset, 1 uncertain

Model testing output


Model version: