Zalmotek / SiLabs EFR32MG24 - Occupancy Sensing Public

Test data

Set the 'expected outcome' for each sample to the desired outcome to automatically score the impulse.
Sample name Expected outcome Length Accuracy Result
CrowdedRoom.31keegeg CrowdedRoom 10s 95% 18 CrowdedRoom, 1 uncertain
testing.31kpn5qs testing 10s 16 EmptyRoom, 3 CrowdedRoom
testing.31kpafat testing 10s 10 CrowdedRoom, 7 EmptyRoom, 2 uncertain
testing.31koj8o8 testing 10s 19 CrowdedRoom
CrowdedRoom.31kesm3r CrowdedRoom 10s 95% 18 CrowdedRoom, 1 uncertain
CrowdedRoom.31kdc72p CrowdedRoom 10s 100% 19 CrowdedRoom
CrowdedRoom.31kcu9fr CrowdedRoom 10s 100% 19 CrowdedRoom
EmptyRoom.31id8avn EmptyRoom 10s 100% 19 EmptyRoom

Model testing output

Model testing results
